How can fixing broken links improve user experience?


How Fixing Broken Links Improves User Experience

Broken links on a website can negatively impact the user experience in several ways:

Frustration and confusion

When users click on a link expecting to find relevant information, only to be taken to an error page, it can frustrate and confuse them. They may wonder if the information they were seeking actually exists or if the website is poorly maintained. This can damage trust in the website.

Negative perception of the website

Having multiple broken links gives users the impression that the website is not well maintained or organized. It makes the website seem unprofessional and unreliable. Users may be hesitant to trust information on a site with many broken links.

Inability to accomplish their goals

If a user is trying to navigate a website to find specific information and encounters broken links, it can prevent them from accomplishing their goals. They may be unable to access the resources they need and have to search elsewhere. This leads to a poor user experience.

Loss of traffic and engagement

When users encounter broken links, it can negatively impact traffic and engagement with the website. Frustrated users are likely to leave the site and may not return in the future. Over time, this can significantly reduce the number of visitors and loyal users.

Loss of link equity and SEO benefits

Broken links can also impact SEO performance. Broken backlinks lose the “link equity” they pass to the website, and broken internal links mean users cannot discover all of the website’s content. This can reduce organic traffic from search engines over time.

Fixing broken links improves user experience by:

  • Eliminating frustration and confusion for users
  • Giving users confidence that the website is well-maintained and trustworthy
  • Allowing users to accomplish their goals by accessing the information they seek
  • Increasing traffic and engagement by providing a positive user experience
  • Recovering “link equity” and SEO benefits by repairing broken backlinks

In summary, fixing broken links on a website is crucial for enhancing the user experience, trust, and perceived value. Users will appreciate a site that “just works” and provides them with the information and resources they need seamlessly.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.



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  1. […] how the scoring system works and what it actually measures. Mueller recommends using the tools to improve performance and user experience, rather than directly target higher […]

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